We here in San Antonio have begun following one of the more mighty traditions of the olde world every Christmas.. we grow Mustaches and celebrate them on the eve of Christmas Day every year, at noon, in front of the Alamo. 2007 was no slouch. (this post also settles the continuous question over the need for a “mustaches” category/tag..as you can imagine, proper spelling is also an issue.)
Matt & Krysdtal Fleeger with Chrismoustaches

Mighty Christmoustache

Justin Parr in front of the Alamo with a Moustache.

Aaron Forland with a Moustache.

Matt Fleeger With a Moustache.

Chris with Chrismoustache

Krystal Fleeger with Chrismoustache. woman with moustache.

Ed Saavedra with a Moustache.


(clicking on here will take you to a magical place with a few more images of people from San Antonio who also had Chrismoustaches on the eve of Christmas. Sadly, Ben could not take part.)